Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Fairy Tale
I almost couldn’t recall how long you haven’t told me of your favorite storyI begin to feel flurried and wonder if I’ve done something wrongYou said with tears on the cheek:“All fairy tales are lying, and I just couldn’t become your prince.”But I guess you’ll never know what it meant to me when you said you love me.I would like to become the angel you saw in a fairy tale so I could protect you with my own wingsI assure you of a happy ending of ours just as in a fairy tale.
dream of little girl

Dreams keep running through my mind
Reflecting memories of long ago.
Made in a land of fairy tales,
A place my heart longs for so.
Cut off from the rest of the world
With streams, and meadows to roam,
Viewed from a little girl's eyes,
A place that would always be hom
A place where berries grew wild
Where rabbits and squirrels were seen
Where a racoon could be a friend
And deer played down by the stream.
A world where imagination made all come true
And a little girl could be a queen
Where daydreams were spun like cobwebs
But a world where everything wasn't what it seemed.
For every little girl has to grow up
And daydreams shatter in your hand,
You find the home you thought was your ow
Is nothing but a simple piece of land.
The flowers don't seem to bloom so bright,
And fairy tales no longer come true,
For it is seen now through grownup eyes,
No longer the world that you knew.
But still...Somewhere in the back of my mind
That place will always remai
From all those memories long ago
To beckon me back time and again.
Reflecting memories of long ago.
Made in a land of fairy tales,
A place my heart longs for so.
Cut off from the rest of the world
With streams, and meadows to roam,
Viewed from a little girl's eyes,
A place that would always be hom
A place where berries grew wild
Where rabbits and squirrels were seen
Where a racoon could be a friend
And deer played down by the stream.
A world where imagination made all come true
And a little girl could be a queen
Where daydreams were spun like cobwebs
But a world where everything wasn't what it seemed.
For every little girl has to grow up
And daydreams shatter in your hand,
You find the home you thought was your ow
Is nothing but a simple piece of land.
The flowers don't seem to bloom so bright,
And fairy tales no longer come true,
For it is seen now through grownup eyes,
No longer the world that you knew.
But still...Somewhere in the back of my mind
That place will always remai
From all those memories long ago
To beckon me back time and again.
Cryptic Coloring
Cryptic coloring is by far the commonest use of color in the struggle for existence. It is employed for the purpose of attack (aggressive resemblance or anticryptic coloring ) as well as of defense (protective resemblance or procryptic coloring ). The fact that the same method concealment, may be used both for attack and defense has been well explained by T.Belt who suggests as an illustration the rapidity of movement which is also made use of by both pursuer and pursued, which is similarly raised to a maximum in both by the gradual dying out of the slowest through a series of generations. Cryptic coloring is commonly associated with other aids in the struggle for life. Thus well-concealed mammals and birds, when discovered, will generally endeavor to escape by speed and will often attempt to defend themselves actively. On the other hand, small animals which have no means of active defense, such as large, numbers of insects, frequently depend upon concealment alone. Protective resemblance is far commoner among animals than aggressive resemblance, in correspondence with the fact that predaceous forms are as a rule much larger and much less numerous than their prey. In the case of insectivorous Vertebrata and their prey such differences exist in an exaggerated form. Cryptic coloring, whether used for defense of attack, may be either general or special. In general resemblance the animal, in consequence of its coloring, produces the same effect as its environment, but the conditions do not require any special adaptation of shape and outline. General resemblance is especially common among the animal inhabiting some uniformly colored expanse of the earth’s surface, such as an ocean or a desert. In the former, animals of all shapes are frequently protected by their transparent blue color, on the latter, equally diverse forms are defended by their sandy appearance. The effect of a uniform appearance may be produced by a combination of tints in startling contrast. Thus the black and white stripes of the zebra blend together at a little distance, and “their proportion is such as exactly to match the pale tint which arid ground possesses when seen by moonlight.” Special resemblance is far commoner than general and is the form which is usually met with on the diversified surface of the earth, on the shores, and in shallow water, as well as on the floating masses of algae on the surface of the ocean, such as the Sargasso Sea. In these environments the cryptic coloring of animals is usually aided by special modifications of shape, and by the instinct which leads them to assume particular attitudes. Complete stillness and the assumption of a certain attitude play an essential part in general resemblance on land; but in special resemblance the attitude is often highly specialized, and perhaps more important than any other element in the complex method by which concealment is effected. In special resemblance the combination of coloring, shape, and attitude is such as to produce a more or less exact resemblance to some one of the objects in the environment, such as a leaf of twig, a patch of lichen, a flake of bark. In all cases the resemblance is to some object which is of no interest to the enemy or prey respectively. The animal is not hidden from view by becoming indistinguishable from its background as in the case of general resemblance, but it is mistaken for some well-know object.
In seeking the interpretation of these most interesting and elaborate adaptations, attempts have been made along two lines. The first seeks to explain the effect as a result of the direct influence of the environment upon the individual (G.L.L.Buffon), or by the inherited effects of efforts and the use and disuse of parts (J.B.P.Lamarck). The second believes that natural selection produced the result and afterwards maintained it by the survival of the best concealed in each generation. The former suggestion breaks down when the complex nature of numerous special resemblances is appreciated. Thus the arrangement of colors of many kinds into an appropriate pattern requires the cooperation of a suitable shape and the rigidly exact adoption of a certain elaborate attitude. The latter is instinctive and thus depends on the central nervous system. The cryptic effect is due to the exact cooperation of all these factors; and in the present state of science, the only possible hole of an interpretation lies in the theory of natural selection, which can accumulate any and every variation which tends toward survival. A few of the chief types of methods by which concealment is effected may be briefly described. The colors of large numbers of vertebrate animals are darkest on the back and become gradually lighter on the sides, passing into white on the belly. Abbot H. Thayer has suggested that this gradation obliterates the appearance of solidity, which is due to shadow. The color harmony, which is also essential to concealment, is produced because the back is of the same tint as the environment (e. g. earth), bathed in the cold blue-white of the sky, while the belly, being cold blue-white and bathed in shadow and yellow earth reflections produces the same effects. This method of neutralizing shadow for the purpose of concealment by increased lightness of tint was first suggested by E.B.Poulton in the case of a larva and a pupa, but he did not appreciate the great importance of the principle. In an analogous method an animal in front of a background of dark shadow may have part of its body obliterated by the existence of a dark tint, the remainder resembling, e.g., a part of a leaf. This method of rendering invisible any part which would interfere with the resemblance is well know in mimicry.
In seeking the interpretation of these most interesting and elaborate adaptations, attempts have been made along two lines. The first seeks to explain the effect as a result of the direct influence of the environment upon the individual (G.L.L.Buffon), or by the inherited effects of efforts and the use and disuse of parts (J.B.P.Lamarck). The second believes that natural selection produced the result and afterwards maintained it by the survival of the best concealed in each generation. The former suggestion breaks down when the complex nature of numerous special resemblances is appreciated. Thus the arrangement of colors of many kinds into an appropriate pattern requires the cooperation of a suitable shape and the rigidly exact adoption of a certain elaborate attitude. The latter is instinctive and thus depends on the central nervous system. The cryptic effect is due to the exact cooperation of all these factors; and in the present state of science, the only possible hole of an interpretation lies in the theory of natural selection, which can accumulate any and every variation which tends toward survival. A few of the chief types of methods by which concealment is effected may be briefly described. The colors of large numbers of vertebrate animals are darkest on the back and become gradually lighter on the sides, passing into white on the belly. Abbot H. Thayer has suggested that this gradation obliterates the appearance of solidity, which is due to shadow. The color harmony, which is also essential to concealment, is produced because the back is of the same tint as the environment (e. g. earth), bathed in the cold blue-white of the sky, while the belly, being cold blue-white and bathed in shadow and yellow earth reflections produces the same effects. This method of neutralizing shadow for the purpose of concealment by increased lightness of tint was first suggested by E.B.Poulton in the case of a larva and a pupa, but he did not appreciate the great importance of the principle. In an analogous method an animal in front of a background of dark shadow may have part of its body obliterated by the existence of a dark tint, the remainder resembling, e.g., a part of a leaf. This method of rendering invisible any part which would interfere with the resemblance is well know in mimicry.
Love the beginning of pain
"Do you have to leave," "Tomorrow left, you come get me?" "See them off, let others give you, and I would also like to go to work tomorrow, ah," "Then you will be waiting for me back?" "Assured, enemy, we will wait for you to come back, and now I can finally clean, and do not quarrel with you, right? happy? "he and her co-workers, he and she always quarrel, is another man's enemy, and. He was going away, and have to go to places far further study. He is gone, quietly away, do not take away anyone's blessing, do not take away anyone parting tears. : Do you know what? Enemy, and I love you, you will have to wait for me to come back ah, and so your future husband to come back to marry you, ah, ha ha ~ he is gone, when her left a letter for only wrote the passage. "Walking time to do, but also playing, and this guy hated." She angrily, he went there much longer. When will he come back ah? She felt that she think about him every day, she told herself and she just could not squabble, and little accustomed to. He had taken the third day, called her the phone, she suddenly found himself answered the phone at the moment, a bit agitated, "Do you want me? Xiaoguai." He found her crying, he smiled. "When did you come back over there okay? You ~" she found that she does not want to quarrel with him, and Itai-itai, and heart, and. In this way, their first call at both ends of the silence to an end. Since then, she would then inadvertently innocently, laughter, my colleagues laughed her, asked her if she is not love. She think that this is not it? "Do you love me? Not want me ah?" He's playing every week to give her a phone in every case, asked her if she "did not know ah" and I'll tell you all right, "she said, such time live day by day. Phone ends so they live in, but no previous noise, while the jokes every time he would ask her, and she is no longer as noisy as before him, but will the other side of the phone quietly listened. "You send me a few photos for you, what you want, tell me, I will give you return to." "I found some rock it, your most precious stone are willing to give me?" " willing to ah. you love me? "She looked for his most beautiful pictures of him sent a go, but also in passing a love of the sweater, her letter told him that he is only in order to aid the poor children weave the" He called to tell that she had received, saying that his friends say his girlfriend is very cute, he told her she want to send something to her, and after a week can be received. She has been to wait, live day by day, more than a month later still have not received what he was sent back to, and each call to go Cabanatuan was always repeating the same passage? You dial the phone has been turned off, please dial later / she is not willing to think it is not his stone ah, that brings a beautiful but expensive stone ah, will not be ignored because it did he own? In this way, she changed her own suspicion in more than two months before, "Your letter" a sudden one day, her co-workers brought her a thick package and a letter, she thought: is not he wanted to apologize , and send it to me so many things, then this must be a letter of apology. "" Hello, I was his friend, when you receive this letter, when he had already left this world, he is to give you find a lucky stone, do not care when they were in the high tide brought waves of water the sea, search and rescue teams looked for many days in the ocean only to find him. Unfortunately, he has gone, the hands still Jinjinzuanzhao this stone. She cried, her trembling hands opened the parcel, which has a beautiful stone, like a meteor's tears.
Why Do You Cluck, Sir?
Why do you cluck, sir?
You look like a duck, sir.
Is that what you wish you could be?
Then why do you cluck, sir?
And look like a duck, sir?
I’m just commenting on what I see.
Is it fun to cluck, sir?
And look like a duck, sir?
For I’ve noticed that you seem to enjoy
The look of a duck, sir,
And the sound of a cluck, sir,
That you so often do employ.
I do not understand, sir.
For I believe you are a man, sir.
But there is one thing that baffles me.
Why do you cluck, sir?
And look like a duck, sir?
I’m just commenting on what I see.
You look like a duck, sir.
Is that what you wish you could be?
Then why do you cluck, sir?
And look like a duck, sir?
I’m just commenting on what I see.
Is it fun to cluck, sir?
And look like a duck, sir?
For I’ve noticed that you seem to enjoy
The look of a duck, sir,
And the sound of a cluck, sir,
That you so often do employ.
I do not understand, sir.
For I believe you are a man, sir.
But there is one thing that baffles me.
Why do you cluck, sir?
And look like a duck, sir?
I’m just commenting on what I see.
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